Public Call and Notices

The Regional Centre for Heritage Management Training - Centro Lucio Costa / Iphan, under the auspices of UNESCO, launched on 20 May 2015 two public calls for articles and research. Proposals will be selected for articles related to strategies for valuing cultural goods in Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries of South America and Portuguese speaking African and Asian countries, with the aim of reflecting on the appropriation of universal Heritage values.

The proposals may be based on both the Region and one or more countries that compose it, giving priority to the Subrepresentativeness of cultural goods as World Heritage.

In the case of research, projects relating to the preservation and management of cultural heritage will be selected, analysing actions and policies carried out by different sectors of society in each country (whether public or private), according to cultural and historical perspectives, in the language-speaking countries. Portuguese and Spanish from South America and Portuguese-speaking Africa and Asia, having as priority thematic areas the Practices of Human Heritage Management and Comparative Overview of Public Policies and Participatory Management of Human Heritage between two or more countries in the Region.

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