Registration period for the World Heritage Youth Forum is extended

publicada em 02 de julho de 2010, às 14h12


Age for admission of participants is increased to 18 to 24 years

It is postponed until mid-day next Monday (July 5) the deadline for the registration of educational projects for the World Heritage Youth Forum - Brazil in 2010, an event organized by the National Historical and Artistic Heritage Institute - Iphan in partnership with the Brazilian Federation of Youth Hostels. Due to the large number of requests from around the country and abroad, it has also been expanded the age range of those who will attend the meeting in Brazil, which now covers youngsters from 18 to 24 years old. 

Entries must be made by interested people through the Forum website - All the information about this initiative is available at this site, as well as about the prizes that will be awarded by the Federation of Youth Hostels to the authors of the three best projects submitted. 

The Forum will take place between 16 and 25 July, preceding the 34th Session of the World Heritage Committee, an intergovernmental body linked to UNESCO that meets in Brasilia this year, between 25 July and 3 August. More information about the meeting are available at 

The 45 students selected for the Forum, from Brazil and from other 18 nationalities, will participate in a program of 10 days, with visits to four of the 17 Brazilian World Heritage properties in the cities of Foz do Iguazu, San Miguel Mission, Goiás and Brasilia. 

During the journey, the youngsters will develop educational activities related to cultural heritage matters. Finally, on the 25 July, the results will be presented at the opening ceremony of the Session of the World Heritage Committee. 

Iphan Communication Office 
Adélia Soares –
Mécia Menescal –
Phone:  +55 61  2024-5449

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