Applications to the CLC Training course: extended deadline

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O Palácio Gustavo Capanema foi construído entre 1936 e 1947.

The Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage (Iphan), through the Regional Heritage Management Training Centre Lucio Costa (CLC), C2C under UNESCO’s auspices, based in Rio de Janeiro city, extended until August 03rd, 2016 the deadline for applications to the 1st Training Course for Managers on Cultural Property.

The course is aimed at professionals from public institutions, in charge of policies and/or actions of preservation and/or management of cultural properties, as well as employees or representatives of private, not-for-profit institutions in the field of Cultural Heritage. It also aims at university researchers with an interest in the topic, from the countries in the LCC Area of Influence, encompassing the Portuguese- and Spanish-speaking countries of South America and the Portuguese-speaking countries of Africa and Asia.

LCC will offer up to 25 vacancies for the course, distributed as follows: two vacancies for each of the countries that are already signatories of the LCC (Brazil, Cape Verde, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mozambique, Peru and Uruguay) and one vacancy for each of the other countries in the Region (Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Paraguay, Venezuela, São Tomé and Príncipe and East Timor). 

The Course will last 4 (four) months, and will consist of 2 (two) modules: one on-site module, to take place in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil, and 1 distance-learning module to be developed with participants in their respective home countries. 

The Scientific commission in charge of the analysis and selection of the candidates' projects will include representatives from Lucio Costa Centre, Iphan and UNESCO as well as renowned professionals in the field.

In order to obtain the Course Conclusion Certificate, participants must necessarily have a minimum of 90% of presence in  Module 1 (on-site) and reach an average of 70 points in the final grade.  

Applications may be filed, via internet, from June 10 to July 24, 2016 through the e-mail address

For further instructions on applications for the 1st Open Call for Capacity-building Course see.

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